Monday, June 23, 2008

Shades of Blue

You know when you turn your alarm off in the morning and say, "I'm going to lay here for five more seconds." and then wake up thirty minutes later? Yeah, well today was that day, so I rushed the bacon (and burned it) and skipped the eggs. We met Jane and Vallia to go to the central market. The meat market was still there and opperating at full capacity, but this pass we made was a bit more thourough. I was looking for some shoes (with a European flare) and beach paraphanelia (shirt and pants). I found some sweet shoes, black leather with a long toe. The lady in the shop was very nice and helpful know 65 grievna off the price and throwing in two shoe tongues (???, got me), a box, and a bag. I found some pants, but the price and the fit never, well, fit, and speaking of fitting the dressing rooms are quite nice in that the shop venders who held the towel up were very nice. The shirt search was much the same, so I left quite satisfied with my personal purchase of shoes and nothing more; well, almost nothing more. Having watched me purchase the shoes, Jon set himself to find something as well. In passing a small booth with a number of hair care/alteration products. I saw a particular shade and immediately received a vision of Jon with such a tint. The agreement was made quicker than I could offer to buy it. We continued to search the cavernous stretches of booths but to no avail, no more purchase could be made without the pangs of regret creeping on. We then traveled to Old Helen's house for luch; there Tom, Jon, Rachel, Vallia, Nastia, and myself met Helen's grandaughter and great grandsons. We had a homemade cold, pink vegtable soup with beets, onions, and cabbage. There was also bread, poppyseed bread, and cherry dumplings. She had made a raspberry jam that morning that was delicious. After Helen's Jon, Rachel, Nastia, and I went on our own little adventure to Karl Marx avenue where there is a small stretch where artists and artisans sell some handmade crafts. I saw two items I considered purchasing if the price was right, but unfortunately neither was and the negotiations weren't going well. There was a hand-carved decorative pipe and a a hand carved, wooden mug. After Jon purchased a necklace, we elected to go back to our flat and do Jon's hair before church. We make it back without incident and Jon was able to tell the driver when to pull over (he has become very knowledgable of the layout of the city). We watched the Road to El Dorado in Russian and colored Jon's hair a gorgeous blue/black. We then went to church for movie night where we had popcorn, drinks, and watched Space Jam (that movie still gets to me). Afterwards Glib came with us (great kid) and we went to McDonald's (again, yeah, not happy). Now home, watching the futbol match of the evening: Russian vs. Netherlands, Russias up 1-0. I tell you who wins tomorrow. (internet still not working) Russia 3 to 1 in 2 set of extra minutes; very nice.

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