Monday, June 16, 2008

The Pros

Today began with bacon, eggs, and cereal. We arrived a bit early at the meeting point so I had time to contemplate the impending chaos. We have the younger group in the morning and I was to lead warm-ups. We arrived 30 minutes early and began to set up though there were already a number of kids there. We ended up with about 40 about half and half boys and girls. I decided to be as crazy and enthusiastic as I could, so I did. Lots of fun but a draining investment.
Jon and I did a devo together with about 10 of the guys. We talked about the necessity of training for an athlete and how it is similar to the training of a Christian. They asked a few questions about America, and Jon was hairs away from being mortally wounded when a hurdle hurtled from its precarious perch above the place he was sitting; no serious injuries were reported.
The young group was great and I really look forward to being with them tomorrow. Cathy prepared lunch, so we ate and lounged for about an hour. I had planed to lift, but the room was closed because it it Trinity Day today (a holiday in the Ukraine (though I myself and not complete convinced of the theological existence of such a being based on sound textual evidence)). And the strength and conditioning coach wants to charge me 20 grievna a day to lift; I don't pay half of the that for huge facility in the States! I don't know if I will lift tomorrow or not; I don't feel like being nickel and dimed in a foreign country.
The older kids were good for the most part though they do their own thing a lot more than the younger kids, but many of them were there actively search after the knowledge that we offered about basketball. We did some one on one's, knockout championship, and some position group work. The girls are a great group because they listen a lot more out of respect for us than many of the older boys. There were quite a number of tall guys probably 15 taller than me and one that was definitely pushing 6'9''.
Afterward one of the guys asked if we would like to play some 5 on 5 full court. Jon and I were both really tired but didn't feel it was appropriate to decline since the coach from the college was going to be there watching. It turns our the guys we were playing with a professional players in the Ukraine. One guy (who I affectionately call Sticks) was 7'. Jon and I were on opposite teams. Every time I got the ball in the post area I had this intense urge to drive the ball right at Sticks, and did so successfully scoring my first points on a very my style drive and layup. I then put a 3 in Sticks eye off a screen, and later hit a pull-up 3. It was a lot of fun and I experienced some pride motivation that I never had before; it was a very Olympic feeling. I don't know how long we played but exhaustion got tired and went home and fatigue had gone to take a nap. I don't think I have ever sweat so much.
We walked to the restaurant where the others were getting ice cream and drinks, but as thirsty as I was I couldn't bring myself to pay 8 for a half liter of water when I could get 1.5 liters for 4. So I waited and eventually bought a bottle and downed it pretty quickly at the church where we had class. Ira and I were late for Greg's lesson with the youth group but we had a good time, talking afterwards and playing the push game of which Jon and Greg are disputed co-champions. (Rachel and I are not very good)
After class Steve, Rachel, Jon, Greg, Ira, Jane, Olga, and I went to TGIFriday's for dinner. The food was good though it took forever to get there. Jon didn't get his steak for 2 hours. We were all very tired and I wouldn't be surprised if all were asleep but me right now since it is now 1 o'clock. It's alright though, it's my duty and pleasure to listen to music and let you know what's up with these beautiful kids in the Ukraine.
Monday has been a pretty big day: single-handedly entertained 40 kids with a language barrier, screamed and yelled for 3 hours, and scored 8 on the Ukrainian Pros in a 25-35 minute game of ball. What more could there be?


Julius Family said...

Very cool basketball experience. Utah and I are reading your blog together and we were excited to hear you scored on a 7' Ukranian.. that is impressive.

We found your refusal to pay more than you think is fair for items interesting.. each culture is so unique in what it values and prices items.

Thank you for sharing! We look forward to reading more tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome Zach! It sounds like you are really enjoying yourself on an amazing trip. Keep having fun and enjoying those kids. All while keeping us up to date. Im pretty impressed by your basketball skills against the Ukranian pros and glad that you had a pride building moment. Enjoy your time there! :D

Brakes said...

You have fun foolin around w/ those 7 footers. Just remember you got a 6'5" guy that wants a piece of you when you get back. Sounds like an awesome ministry though, and I look forward to hearing some good stories, especially about Granny KGB. I'm intrigued. Love ya Sleep

lafe caton said...

Hey Zach,
It is great to hear from you! Thanks for the updates. Bruce, Ginger and I are in day 2 of cabin demolition. We have already filled a 40 yd. dumpster and we will begin taking down the basement walls tomorrow (what is left of them). It is a muddy mess but it is getting done. Bruce fell throu the floor of the trailer and landed on his feet in the basement. His ankle is a little sore but fortunately no broken bones. Keep up the good work! I am praying for you everyday. God bless you, dad